Tuesday, 4 October 2011

What we did/ and what we learnt from the Preliminary task?

What we did
In class, we were given a task to undertake which required us to lip sink to the song 'Don't Go Breaking My Heart'. Our teacher said that it would be preferable if two people was to do this task as in the actual song, we have a man and woman singing to one another like a conversation. However, even though it was a man and woman we didn't have to use this same method; even though we did. We were told to get ourselves into groups and basically decided who was going to undertake the roles, who was going to film and who was going to play the song out loud. Therefore, all of us in the group was given a designated role and we did this independently.

What we learnt
After planning, shooting and editing the preliminary task there are many things in which I think I myself have learnt and what the other people in my group have learnt. Firstly, as we didn't actually do a lot of planning for the preliminary task as we were basically told what song we would have to lip sink to, however how we performed the song and presented it would be up to us. We found it quite hard doing it as we hadn't got together and all put our ideas in, in fact we left it and went away and tried shooting it and it wasn't easy at all; we didn't have any ideas of what to do or what we shouldn't do. Therefore, from doing this I learnt that for our actual music video we wouldn't have no help from the teachers, we would have to choose the song ourself, and perform to the song and we wouldn't actually be successful if we weren't to plan everything out.
Furthermore, by having to undertake a task that required us to lip sink to a song that we wasn't so familiar with on the spot meant that if we are able to get a song from unsigned.com and each day listen to it and familiarize ourself with it that when actually having to perform the lip sinking it will be in time, look effective and flow.

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